
Pillars of eternity simoc
Pillars of eternity simoc

pillars of eternity simoc

when the Canaanites stopped their wels, opened them againe, and would neuer yeeld the inheritance of their master to the heards men of Gerar, no more can we endure the truth of religion to be choaked with Popish heresies, or the inheritance of our Lord to be taken from vs by the Swaines of Rome: Nazianz o­rat. This is the reason why the cause of religion, and the state of our Church, this day vnder your Highnesse most happy gouernement, is so deare and acceptable to vs, that the opposition and violence of our greatest e­nemies can neuer make vs weary of defending it but as the seruants of Isaac, Gen. saith Dauid, is better to me then thousands of gold and sil­uer. MOst dread and renowned Soue­raigne, may it please your excel­lent Maiestie: Such is the power of true Religion, and the hope that all men haue to be deliuered from error and their naturall mise­rie, and to attaine supernaturall and eternall good thereby, that they which haue tasted it cleaue vnto it more then to all the hopes of this life beside: The law of thy mouth, Psal. TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAIESTIE, IAMES, BY THE grace of God King of great Brittaine, France and Ireland: defen­der of the Faith. This material was created by the Text Creation Partnership in partnership with ProQuest's Early English Books Online, Gale Cengage's Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and Readex's Evans Early American Imprints. THE WAY TO THE TRVE CHVRCH defended against A.D.

pillars of eternity simoc

THE CONTENTS OF THE SEuerall Chapters of this Booke.A Table of the Questions and Controuersies, either purposely and largely handled, or, by occasion, briefly falling out, betweene my Aduersary and me, in this Defence.TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAIESTIE, IAMES, BY THE grace of God King of great Brittaine, France and Ireland: defender of the Faith.

Pillars of eternity simoc